Adult Bible Fellowship is a critical piece of our overall CBC Discipleship Pathway. ABFs are a place to connect with others, build long-term relationships, and dive into Scripture together as a group of Jesus-followers. They are foundational to integrating into and being a part of the Calvary family. If you have never been a part of an ABF, we encourage you to consider taking this next step as we begin the fall season. If you have been a part of an ABF and have experienced the benefit of these groups, we’d encourage you to consider inviting a friend who does not attend Calvary to your ABF as a chance to connect them to Calvary in a less formal, smaller format. If you have any questions about which group would be a good fit for you or if you’re interested in joining a group meeting at a different time, please contact Dan Arbitter.

Our teaching ministry builds in each of these areas as we live out biblical truth together.

Adult Bible Fellowship will equip you with...

  • Biblical Framework: applying the wisdom gained through books, themes, principles and people of Scripture in living out a biblical worldview.

  • Theological Foundation: building a doctrinal grid to be able to discern truth from error.

  • Spiritual Formation: understanding the role of identity, Holy Spirit, the Word, and community in the pursuit of Christlikeness and a Great Commission lifestyle.

  • Relational Skills: unpacking how love is lived out in relationship to those around us and how we share Christ with those who do not know Him.

  • Stewardship Mindset: living out our time, gifting, talents, abilities, and resources as entrustments from God to be used in service to Him and those around us.


SUNDAYS at 9:30 AM

  • App Class (Chinese Fellowship): Studying Romans, Meeting in the Art Portable

  • Becomers Class: Continuing to study The Gospel of Matthew, meeting in Room 302 with teacher, Neal Murrin

  • Bereans Class: Studying Joshua, meeting in Room 401 with teacher, Paul Prong

  • Core Class: Current Series: The Sermon On The Mount, meeting in the Cafeteria with teacher, Paul Trulock

  • Cornerstone Class: Studying the life of David, with an emphasis on Psalms, meeting in Room 303 with teachers, Rod & Leanne Windle