In addition to other church business that will be conducted at our annual Spring Business Meeting, we will also elect new persons to serve in our local church leadership. A general overview of the responsibilities for each position may be found below. Each leadership team is looking for several new members, so please prayerfully consider those whom you desire to place into nomination for this election. Please also read the instructions below, which outline the procedure for nominating individuals for these positions.

General Overview of Responsibilities

Elders - The Elders are responsible to ensure the teachings of God's Word as set forth in our Statement of Faith and to promote spiritual living according to God's Word among the church membership. They shall provide leadership in all areas of the church life and ministry including Plymouth Christian Academy (PCA). They are responsible for the administration of the church ordinances, church membership and care of the sick and needy. They are further expected to uphold continually the various areas of the church in prayer.

Deacons - The Deacons are responsible for serving the church body and the broader community allowing the Elders to focus on prayer, teaching and discipleship consistent with Acts 6.

Regents - The Regents have the responsibility and authority for the establishment, function, and maintenance of Plymouth Christian Academy’s ministries.

Nominating Committee - The Nominating Committee has the responsibility to manage the annual nomination, application and election process.


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Nominating Instructions to Church Members

  • Nomination Sheets must be returned by Sunday, February 9, 2025.
    Nominations will not be accepted after the deadline.

  • Nomination forms will be available at the church welcome desk. After completing the form place it in the nomination box which is also located at the church welcome desk.

  • If you are unable to be at church to participate on-site, please contact the Nominating Committee at nominate@cbcjoy.org so we can identify an alternative option for you.

The Nominations sheet will include a list of names of individuals who are currently serving on the different Leadership Teams. These individuals do not need to be nominated again, nor are they needing votes to continue serving. Their names are listed simply as a reference when considering new individuals to be nominated.