Day 6 Details 

Our Summer Week Of Prayer continues today with the theme of prayer for Parents and Students, with a specific emphasis on prayer for families beginning private, public, and homeschool years and for parents as they seek to be the primary “disciplers” of their children.

We invite you to meditate on these Scripture passages during your personal/family worship time today:
Deuteronomy 6:1-9
Psalm 78:1-7
Titus 2:1-8
Hebrews 12:3-12

If you’d like to join with others to pray along this subject, Ryan & Amanda Bigelow will be hosting tonight’s prayer meet-up at Plymouth Township Park (McClumpha Park) at 6:30 p.m, meeting at the pavilion near the playground.

 Today we have two written prayers to share. First, from Jordan Baker:

God we pray for our students and their families today. As students finish up these last few days of summer, we pray that you will be preparing their hearts and minds for the school year ahead. We pray for our students in every sphere of education. For those in public, private, charter, and home schools, Lord we pray that you will bless them and guide them.

Lord, we pray that these students will be lights on a hill, and that the testimony of their words and actions will draw others to you. God we pray for your peace when they are anxious, we pray for your wisdom when they are unsure, and we pray for boldness through your Spirit to live on mission for the Kingdom.

 Father, we pray for parents of students as well. We pray that you will guide and equip them to be the primary disciplers of their children. We pray that you will give help them live out Deuteronomy 6:7 - “teach these things diligently to your children, and talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” Lord, we pray for patient and obedient hearts.

 God, we thank you for your faithfulness to walk with us through every season of life, and we look forward in hopeful expectation to see how you will use us and challenge us over this coming school year. Amen. 

Second, from Mike Warmbier:

 Lord, as we move into this new school year, we pray you would go before us. I pray you will give all of our kids the focus and dedication they need to succeed. I pray also as our Church ministers to our kids that the impact Calvary and our leaders has on them as individuals will carry over to their daily lives in each of their respective schools they attend. 

 Lord, with all the uncertainly we are seeing as we enter into yet another year of uncertainty as it relates to the Covid and the various precautions that are in place that you would first, protect and second, give us patience and the ability to extend grace as we go throughout our days. God, I pray you will help us glorify you each day.  

 God, as I look at all the challenges the Public Schools are facing in our community, whether it be at a local level, or the state level, I pray you will protect them. Help us all to be a light for you in the schools we represent. God for Plymouth Christian, our own ministry, I pray you will be with our leaders and the administration team, and the many new teachers that have been added to the team. I pray for all the new families that have made the decision to come to Plymouth Christian. I pray the current family will reach out and embrace them, wrap their arms around them and bring them into the family.

 God, please give each of our students and families opportunities to act, behave in a way that you will be seen through them. I pray again that our families will be a light for you in this community. God, please continue to bless our ministries as we invest in your kids to and teach them to seek you first.

 God we trust you, and ask for your protection as we move into this new school year – It is in Your Son’s name I pray, Amen. 

Keep scrolling to view the full schedule for the Summer Week Of Prayer


All Meet-Ups should last roughly 1 hour

SUNDAY, August 15

Topic: Prayer For Church Unity
Join us as we gather to pray that we as a church would grow in our love for each other. We will be spending some time at this meet-up to commission our 2021-2022 Leadership Teams. 
Leaders: Paul & Emma Prong
Location/Time: Barn Picnic Area, 5:00 p.m.


Topic: Prayer For Our Local Neighborhoods
Join us as we meet in local parks to pray for those living in our communities: that we would grow in our generosity and as proclaimers of the Gospel. Join us at one or more locations throughout the day.

Option 1: Prayer For Livonia Neighborhoods
Leaders: Marc & Alisha Bastarache, Dan & Heidi Fulk
Location/Time: Livonia Rotary Park, 5:30 p.m.
(meet at the pavilion near the playground)

Option 2: Prayer For Canton Neighborhoods
Leaders: Dennis & Debbie Woodman
Location/Time: Canton Heritage Park, 7:30 p.m.
(meet at the North Pavilion)


Topic: Prayer For Our Local Workplaces
Join us as we seek the Lord that we as a church would grow in integrating our faith in our workplaces – that we would be the hands and feet of Christ in our day-to-day interactions.
Leaders: Neal & Gina Murrin
Location/Time: First Responder’s Memorial, 7:00 p.m.
(at the corner of Hines and Haggerty in Plymouth)


Topic: Prayer & Worship Time
Join us for a time of guided worship and prayer, giving opportunity for us to offer Spirit-led praise to the Lord.
Leaders: Emma Prong, Richie Rich, Paul Trulock
Location/Time: The Barn, 8:00 p.m.


Topic: Prayer For Growth As Disciples
Join us as we pray that we would grow in our love for God’s word and in its application to our lives. We will spend time specifically praying for our Adult Bible Fellowships, Life Groups, Calvary Women Bible Studies, and Sunday Main Service Teaching.
Leaders: James & Kristi Abernathy
Location/Time: Calvary West Lobby, 6:00 p.m.


Topic: Prayer For Parents & Students
Join us in praying for parents and students as they begin a new school year in private, public, and homeschool settings. We will pray specifically for parents as they seek be the primary “disciplers” of their children.
Leaders: Ryan & Amanda Bigelow
Location/Time: Plymouth McClumpha Park, 6:30 p.m.
(meet at the pavilion near the playground)