Jesus Prays for Us

Message begins around 26:30

Jesus Prays for Us

Dave Riddle • 07/10/2022

Key Passage: John 17:20-26

Jesus Prays for Our Unity

  • John 17:20-21

    • Not just organizational unity, but a deep, abiding, spiritual unity.

  • Philippians 4:2

  • Growth and maturity cannot exist in isolation from one another.

  • Perfectly united just as God is perfectly united.

    • John 17:22-23

  • Our unity is a priority to Jesus.

    • 4 times in this prayer


  • So the world will know that Jesus was sent by God (v.23)

    • ginosko: to know in a deeply experiential way.

We have to care about each other.

  • We have to show concern

  • We have to be affected

  • Our hearts have to break for each other

We have to be involved 

  • we have to have relationships

  • We have to be present

We have to accept one another

  • We have to accept our brothers and sisters in Christ despite our differences.

  • Unity in diversity

We have to contribute

  • Our faith is not a quest for individual blessings and happiness.

  • We belong together in the church of God.

  • “The Bible knows nothing of an individual religion” - John Wesley

Ask yourself: “Am I an agent of unity in the body of Christ?”