
Generosity Pt. 2

Vitals - Generosity Pt. 2
Dave Riddle - 08/25/19
Key Passage: Mark 12:41-44

Generous: the readiness to give more of something than is strictly necessary or expected.

Scripture: at the core it’s about God giving to us.

Embracing a lifestyle of generosity...

  • A Reflection of God

    • John 13:34 - Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.

      • Jesus is the perfect picture of generosity for us to emulate.

  • A Display of Gratitude

    • Mark 12:44

      • Even though she had very little, she realized that she was blessed.

    • Hebrews 12:28

      • We’ve received a kingdom that can’t be shaken. Our response should be an outpouring of gratitude.

  • An Assertion of Trust

    • Mark 12:44

      • She gave everything and, trusted that God would provide for her.

        • Not a suggestion that we are all prescribed to do the same.

        • But a challenge for us to examine the way we give.

      • Do we give out of our surplus, or do we give sacrificially?

  • An Attack on the “King”

    • We are our own biggest enemies: our selfishness, our self-centeredness, our greed. We are the kings of our own lives.

    • Matthew 6:24 - ...you cant worship God and money both.