
Satisfied By God’s Love - Grad Sunday

Satisfied By God’s Love

Phil Woodman • 6/5/2022

Key Passage: Psalm 90

Psalm 90 - A Psalm of Lament

  • Asking God for aid in overcoming calamity.

    • We are in trouble! Help us Lord!

  • A Psalm of Moses. Possibly the oldest Psalm in the book of Psalms.

God is our refuge

  • From eternity past to eternity future.

    • He is God and we are finite.

  • Our lives are often filled with sadness and struggle.

    • Our difficulties stand out so much more than the good days.

The Turn

  • Teach me to make the most of the time that I have.

  • Have compassion on your servants.

    • God had abundant compassion for Moses.

Satisfy us with your faithful love

  • The prayer of a person who has experienced this before.

  • John 15 - abide in me. Be satisfied by me.

  • Psalm 8:5-6 - he has given us so much more than we could ever ask or expect.