
Jesus in HD

Message starts around the 19 minute mark

Jesus in HD

02/06/2021 - Paul Trulock 

Key Passage: Revelation 5:1-14

Revelation = an uncovering or unveiling. A revealing. apokalypsis (ἀποκάλυψις) laying bare. A disclosure of truth, instruction concerning things before unknown.

Why is John so upset?

  • Revelation 5:4

  • The scroll (5:1) is the deed to all creation. It contains God’s plan to make everything right and new.

    • Who can open it?

The Messiah

  • Revelation 5:5 - He has triumphed

    • The Lion of Judah

    • The Root of David

    • Jesus!

The Lamb

  • Revelation 5:6

    • Instead of a Lion, John sees a Lamb.

    • Not a clean happy lamb, but one that was slaughtered.

      • Think back to Thomas’s experience with the resurrected Jesus.

He is worthy!

  • Revelation 5:9-10

    • Not only our savior, but also our king and high priest.

    • Redeemer,

    • Jesus in HD

The Response 

  • Revelation 5:11 - 14

    • Every creature gives all blessing and glory to Jesus.

How do WE see Jesus?

  • Do we see our sin as simple mistakes or as the punishment that Jesus suffered to redeem us?

  • Do we see our worship as just another song or as a privileged encounter with the savior?

  • Do we see our calling as an obligation or as a beautiful opportunity to invite others into a relationship with the King?