
Wrapping Up Romans

Wrapping Up Romans

10/04/2020 - Dave Riddle

Key Passage: Romans 16:25-27

Now to him... be the glory forever! Amen.

  • Romans 16:25, 27

  • Glory = doxa (δόξα)

 Him who is able to strengthen you...

  • Romans 16:25

  • dynamos (δύναμαι)= able. to be able, have power whether by virtue of one's own ability and resources, or of a state of mind, or through favourable circumstances, or by permission of law or custom

  • stērizō (στηρίζω) = strengthen. To set fast. To turn resolutely in a certain direction. 

Good News

  • Romans 16:25

  • euangelion (εὐαγγέλιον) = a good message. Good news!

Divine Revelation 

  • Romans 16:25-26

  • A secret or mystery revealed. Something that had been kept hidden.

  • Ours eyes have been opened to the truth of Jesus.

Divine Mandate

  • Romans 16:26

  • epitagē (ἐπιταγὴν) - an injunction , decree, command or mandate. By implication, authoritativeness. the only wise God

  • Romans 16:27

  • We have no shortage of access to facts and opinions.

    • God is the only one who is wise.

  • sophos (σοφῷ) - Wise. To have skill or expertise. To best form plans and use the best means for their actual execution. 

How do we walk more deeply in this truth?

  • Understand his word better

  • Live empowered by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • Walk together in community and unity. 

A Redemption Mystery

Romans 11 - A Redemption Mystery

Dave Riddle - 05/19/19

Key Passage: Romans 11:25-32

“This mystery” 

  • Romans 11:25

  • Greek word mysterion (μυστήριον); a secret hidden in the past but now revealed.

Three Connected Truths 

  1. Israel

    • Romans 11:25

      • “A partial hardening has come upon Israel...”

  2. Gentiles

    • Romans 11:25

      • “...until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in.”

      • Fullness = plērōma (πλήρωμα)

  3. Israel

    • Romans 11:26

      • “...all Israel will be saved,”

      • “Israel” - who is Paul referring to?

        • The church?

        • The ethnic/national Israel (The descendants of Abraham)?

        • Not Israel as a whole, but Israel as a community?

        • Those who put their faith in the Christ.

The Redeemer

  • Romans 11:26b-27

  • A salvation from sin through faith in Jesus.

Two Concluding Statements

  1. God’s election remains

    • Romans 11:28-29

    • They are still God’s chosen people.

    • He keeps his covenant with the patriarchs.

  2. God shows Mercy to the disobedient

    • Romans 11:30-32

    • A universal act of disobedience is met with divine mercy!

    • All of us are candidates for the lavish love of God.