What is Faith?

What is Faith?

Dave Riddle - 5/12/2024

Key Passages: Hebrews 11:1-6

Faith is the reality of what is hoped for

- Hebrews 11:1

- Hypostasis: Reality, assurance, support, strong foundation

- Not a wistful longing, but an absolute certainty.

- “I hope the weather is nice this afternoon”

Faith is… the proof of what is not seen

- Hebrews 11:1

- Proof, conviction, evidence

Faith is the thing by which we are approved

- Hebrews 11:2

- Witnesses of faith

By faith we understand that God created everything

- Hebrews 11:3

- By faith we believe

Faith recognizes, worships, and obeys

- Abel

- Hebrews 11:4

- Genesis 4:4

Faith believes and draws near

- Enoch

- Hebrews 11:5-6

- Genesis 5:21-24

- Jude 14-15

We are people who are called to live by faith

- Are we people who walk by faith?

- Or are we people who walk by sight?

- Do we live by what we think is best, or do we live by what God says is best?