Easter Sunday 2020

Easter Sunday

Dave Riddle - 4/12/20

Key Passage: John 20:1-29

I am saved from the darkness of confusion and enter into the light of a new calling

  • John 20:14-18

I am saved from the darkness of fear and enter into the light of a new presence and peace

  • John 20:19-22

  • John 16:33

I am saved from the darkness of doubt and enter into the light of a new beginning. 

  • John 20:24-29

You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light. (1 Peter 2:9, NLT) 

What is Christ’s Kingdom?

What is Christ’s Kingdom?

Dave Riddle - 4/5/20

Key Passage: John 18:33-36 

Jesus’ Kingdom is…


  • Matthew 4:17 

    • at hand

  • Mark 1:15

    • near

  • Luke 17:20-21

    • In your midst

  • Matthew 28:20

    • With you always…

  • A Gift

    • John 3:3 


  • Luke 1:35

    • His life began in power

  • Power = dynamis (δύναμις)

  • Romans 8:11 

    • The Holy Spirit


  • Isaiah 53:3

    • He experienced the full gamut of what it means to be human.

  • Matthew 5:10

    • Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness for theirs is the kingdom of Heaven…

  • John 16:33

    • in this world you will have trouble…


  • To proclaim the kingdom!

  • Matthew 4:23

    • teaching, preaching the good news, and healing.

  • Mark 1:15, Mark 9:35, Luke 4:43


  • Hebrew 4:15

    • He was tempted in all ways and yet He was sinless.

  • Matthew 4:48

    • Our calling as well

    • Hebrews 12:2

  • Revelation 21:3-5a

    • Perfect relationship

    • All things made perfectly new.


The Recipe for Spiritual Unity

The Recipe for Spiritual Unity

Dave Riddle - 3/29/20
Key Passage: Philippians 2:1-4

Our Motivation for Spiritual Unity (Philippians 2:1) 

  • Encouragement in Christ

    • Encouragement = paraklēsis (παρκλησις)

      • Coming alongside someone to give them assistance, comfort, or console.

  • Consolation of Love

    • Consolation = paramythion (παραμύθιον)

      • Speaking closely with someone. Giving comfort and solace. The word used for a mother who holds and comforts a crying child.

  • Fellowship With The Spirit

    • Fellowship = koinōnia (κοινωνα)

      • a partnership. invested in a shared relationship. Implies a commitment. A word of deep intimacy.

  • Affection and Mercy

    • Affection = splagchnon (σπλάγχνον)

      • Referring to one’s deep emotions. A heart of affection and tender mercy. 

    • Mercy = oiktirmos (οἰκτιρμοί)

      • emotions, longings, pity

The Posture of Unity (Philippians 2:1-2)

  • Thinking the Same Way

    • Fully aligned

    • Likeminded

    • Having a common understanding

  • Having the Same Love

    • To love others equally.

    • Characterized by our love for one another.

    • 1 John 3:14

  • United in Spirit

    • The only occurrence of this word in the New Testament.

      • Living harmoniously. United in Spirit

      • Being in full accord.

        • living in selfless harmony with others.

  • Intent on One Purpose

    • Similar to “Thinking the Same Way”

    • “One-minded”

      • emphasizing our pursuit or intentions.

These four principles are complementary and inseparable. 

How Spiritual Unity is Lived Out (Philippians 2:3-4)

  • In Humility

    • In Humility =  tapeinophrosynē (ταπεινοφροσύνῃ)

      • Having a humble opinion of one's self

    • 1 Corinthians 10:24

    • 1 Corinthians 13:5

    • Leviticus 19:18

    • Mark 10:45

He is With Us in This Boat

He is with us in this boat

Dave Riddle - 3/22/20

Key Passage: Mark 4:35-41

“Let’s take a boat ride.”

  • Mark 4:35

  • Jesus knew what they were getting into.

    • What Jesus didn’t say was “you guys go, and I’ll meet you later”.

      • He got in the boat with them.

  • Storms were not unusual for the sea of Galilee 

    • Mark 4:37 

    • megas lailaps

      • megas - big, huge, great, oversized.

      • lailaps - whirlwind, tempest, violent winds

      • “It is never a single gust, nor a steadily blowing wind, however violent; but a storm breaking forth from black thunder-clouds in furious gusts, with floods of rain, and throwing everything topsy-turvy.”

“Don’t you care?”

  • Mark 7:38

  • God understands us absolutely and completely.

“Hush be still”

  • Mark 7:39

  • From chaos to calm.

  • Psalm 107:24-30

“Why are you afraid?”

  • Mark 4:40

    • A great question for us too. Why are we afraid?

  • Fear is not something to be ashamed of.

    • “Fear will always knock at your door, just don’t invite it to come and stay”

    • Fear can alert us to danger.

      • Fear can’t have the last word and it can’t be our guide.

“Do you still have no faith?

  • Mark 4:40

    • These disciples had been with Jesus a long time.

      • They had witnessed him do incredible things.

  • Mark 4:41 - The followers were very afraid…

  • Fear will be with us.

    • David - “When I am afraid I will trust in you”

      • not if, but when.

    • Fear will be there, but will we allow it to have the last word?

“Who is this?”

    • Mark 4:41

    • An important question for them, and for us!

      • The most important question we can ask.

Hope in the Midst of Fear

Hope in the Midst of Fear

Dave Riddle - 3/15/20

Key Passage: 2 Corinthians 1:4

Life can be Difficult, Uncertain, Painful and Scary

  • John 16:33 - we will have trouble

  • Matthew 6:34 - Don’t worry about tomorrow… each day has enough trouble of its own.

Our God is Lord of All

  • Isaiah 46:10

He is present in our struggle

  • Emmanuel: God with us.

  • 2 Corinthians 1:4 - He’s the one who comforts us in all our trouble…

There is hope beyond the struggle

  • John 16:33 - In this world you will have trouble… I have overcome the world.

Seize This Opportunity!

  • Trust in God

    • Psalm 56:3 - When I am afraid, I will trust in you.

    • John 14:1  - Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.

  • Grow in your faith

    • James 1:2 - Consider it pure joy when you face trials… because the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 

    • 1 Peter 1:3-7

  • Be there for one another

    • 2 Corinthians 1:4 - Comfort those in trouble with the comfort we have received from God.

  • Show God’s Love

    • Matthew 5:13 - Salt and light

    • Matthew 22:39 - Love your neighbor as yourself.

Just a Couple More Things...

Just a Couple More Things...

Dave Riddle - 3/08/20

Key Passage: Romans 16:17-23


  • Romans 16:17 - “Now I urge you brothers and sisters to watch out...”

    • “Urge”: parakaleō (παρακαλέω) - to admonish, exhort, entreat, beseech, or beg.

    • “Watch out”: skopeō (σκοπέω) - to take aim at (spy), to consider, take heed, mark.

  • Romans 16:17 - watch out for those who create divisions and obstacles...

    • Divisions, disunity...

    • Obstacles: skandalon (σκάνδαλον) - a trap, snare, any impediment placed in the way and causing one to stumble or fall.

  • Romans 16:18 - ...such people do not serve our Lord but their own appetites.

    • Serve: douleuō (δουλεύω) - to be a slave, serve, do service

      • Slaves to their own desires

  • Romans 16:18 - ...they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting with smooth talk and flattering words.

    • Avoid: ekklinō (ἐκκλίνω) - to deviate; to shun or turn away from, to go out of the way, avoid. 

      • Separate yourselves from such people. 


  • Romans 16:20 - The God of peace will soon crush Satan.

    • Not just caution, but encouragement!

      • Victory is on the way!

    • Psalm 8:16 - everything is beneath God’s feet.

  • Romans 16:21-23 - greetings from Paul, and his entourage.

    • Timothy: Paul’s protege

    • Tertius: Paul’s administrative assistant.

    • Gaius: Paul’s host

    • A reminder that they are all in this together.

The Apostle's Loving Salute

The Apostle’s Loving Salute

Dave Riddle - 3/01/20

Key Passage: Romans 16:1-16

The Wonderful Messenger - Phoebe 

  • Romans 16:1 - I commend to you our sister Phoebe...

  • Romans 16:2 - welcome her and assist her as she did the same for me.

  • “Servant”: diakonos (Greek: διάκονος) - servant, deacon, helper.

  • An important partner in Paul’s ministry entrusted to deliver this important message.

The Gutsy Couple - Priscilla & Aquila 

  • Romans 16:3-4a - my coworkers who risked their own lives for mine...

    • They discipled and invested in Paul early in his ministry 

    • Read more about them in Acts 18

  • Romans 16:4b - not just significant to Paul, but to all the gentile churches.

The Dedicated Friends - Many people!

  • Romans 16:5-15 - a long list of names.

A Few Takeaways from this list of people

  • Diversity / Unity

    • Diverse: Both Jews and gentiles.

    • Diverse: Significant class diversity

      • This list includes names that were popularly used for slaves.

      • Also included are people of influence and power, including possibly people in Caesar’s own household.

    • Diverse: among the men there are also 9 women mentioned (4 women singled out for their hard work).

    • United: Brothers and sisters in Christ 

    • United: one church united despite their differences.

  • Depth of Relationship

    • These are people who Paul has spent time and served with.

    • Not shallow acquaintances.

  • Strength of Character 

    • Romans 16:7 - “noteworthy in the eyes of the apostles...”

      • Apostle: two ways to interpret this word:

        • Strict: the 12 core disciples of Jesus (minus Judas plus Matthias). Paul is often included in this group as well.

        • General: all those sent out by Jesus.

    • A better translation would probably be: “outstanding among the apostles”

      • Missionaries sent out by Jesus, included among the more general definition of the word “apostle”.

What do we take away from this list of names?

  • An incredibly diverse list like this reminds us of how the gospel unites us despite our differences.

    • It cuts through our differences and brings us together.

Pray for Me!

***We’re sorry to say that this week’s message was not recorded due to some technical difficulties. The notes from the message can be found below and we hope to be back up and running with audio next week. We’re sorry for the inconvenience! ***

Pray for Me!

Dave Riddle - 2/23/20

Key Passage: Romans 15:30-33

Paul’s Passionate Plea

  • Romans 15:30 - “I appeal to you”

    • “Appeal”: parakaleō (Greek: παρακαλέω) - to beg, entreat, beseech. 

  • Romans 15:30 - “strive together with me”

    • synagōnizomai (Greek: συναγωνίζομαι) - agonize together, struggle in company  with, to labor fervently, i.e. (figuratively) to be a partner (assistant):—strive together with. Used to describe ancient Olympic wrestlers.

  • Why don’t we ask for prayer in this way?

    • Pride? Unbelief?

Paul’s Specific Requests

  • Related to Jerusalem

    • Protection

      • Romans 15:31 - “pray that I may be rescued...”

    • Reception

      • Romans 15:31 - “pray... that my ministry will be acceptable to the saints”

      • Why is Paul asking this?

        • The offering we talked about last week.

        • There was some tension between Paul and the Jewish believers who felt that he had devalued his Jewish heritage.

  • Related to Rome

    • Arrival

      • Romans 15:32 - “that, by God’s will, I may come to you with joy.”

        • He has been prevented many times from visiting them already (Romans 15:23b)

    • Rejuvenation 

      • Romans 15:32 - “refreshed together with you.”

Paul’s prayer for them:

  • God’s Serene Presence

    • Romans 15:33 - “May the God of peace be with all of you. Amen”

    • eirēnē (Greek: εἰρήνη) - peace between individuals, i.e. harmony, concord. The tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and so fearing nothing from God and content with its earthly lot, of whatsoever sort that is 

How does the story end?

  • we can assume the Roman believers prayed along with Paul for these things.

    • Most likely an answered prayer

  • We don’t know how the Jewish believers accepted Paul’s gift.

    • From what we can see this gift didn’t appear to have caused any problems. 

      • Most likely an answered prayer.

  • Was Paul protected?

    • A mixed bag of answered and unanswered prayers.

      • He went through some terrible things and was protected from some terrible things.

  • Did Paul arrive in Rome safely?

    • An answered prayer, but not in the way Paul expected. 

      • Paul arrived, but as a prisoner after a long and harrowing journey.

Paul’s Apostolic Travel Plan

Paul’s Apostolic Travel Plan

Dave Riddle - 2/16/20

Key Passage: Romans 15:22-29

What Was

  • Romans 15:23b - ...I have strongly desired for many years to come to you...

    • He never allows his personal desires to override his calling.

    • Taking the gospel to those who had never heard it was Paul’s primary objective.

What Is

  • Romans 15:23a - But now I no longer have any work to do in these regions...

    • There was still a lot of work to be done, but Paul’s work was finished.

      • He had planted churches, trained leaders, and empowered believers.

  • Romans 15:25 - Right now I’m traveling to Jerusalem to serve the saints...

    • Why was the church in Jerusalem so impoverished?

      • Potentially as a result of their extreme generosity (as seen in Acts 2 & 4).

  • Romans 15:26-27 

    • Paul acknowledges the importance of the Jerusalem church in the planting and thriving of churches all around the Mediterranean.

      • He is asking now for those churches to bless the Jerusalem church in the midst of their great need.

What‘s Next

  • Romans 15:28 - I will visit you on the way to Spain.

    • Spain was one of the furthest reaches of the Roman government at the time

      • Many Jews, few Christians.

      • A place ripe for the gospel.

    • A tremendously long and difficult journey.

  • Romans 15:24 - I hope to see you when I pass though and to be assisted by you...

    • He isn’t staying long.

    • He anticipates being “filled up” by their fellowship and support.

What’s For Sure

  • Romans 15:29 - ...I will come in the fullness of the blessing of Christ.

    • He takes the focus off himself and places it on Jesus.

What do we take away?

  1. Paul’s preoccupation with the Gospel

  2. The importance he places on people in need.

  3. The importance Paul places on the mutual benefit we have in building each other up.

Paul's Apostolic Recap

Paul’s Apostolic Recap

Dave Riddle - 2/09/20

Key Passage: Romans 15:14-21

Notes to His Readers


  • Romans 15:14

    • you are full of goodness and knowledge


  • Romans 15:15

    • nevertheless... remember

Description of His Ministry 


  • Romans 15:16

    • a priest of the gospel.

    • Offering his gentile converts up to God as a living sacrifice.

      • Acceptable and pleasing


  • Romans 15:18-19

    • His ministry is not about his own talent or intellect, but what God is doing through him.

Good News

  • Romans 15:19-20

    • Paul’s one desire was to be obsessed with the good news of Jesus Christ.

    • Everything that we have to offer the world is rooted in the good news


  • Romans 15:20

    • Taking the gospel where it’s never been before!

Do you have a clear picture of what God is calling you to do?

Stay The Course

Stay The Course

02/02/2020 - Dave Riddle

Key Passage:

Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every hindrance and the sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with endurance the race that lies before us, 2 keeping our eyes on Jesus, the source and perfecter of our faith. For the joy that lay before him, he endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Romans - The Weak and The Strong

The Weak and The Strong

Dave Riddle - 1/26/20

Key Passage: Romans 14:1-15:13

In this context, “the weak” are most likely Jewish Christians who are hung up on strict dietary and ceremonial laws.

Full and Total Acceptance

  • Romans 14:1

    • Welcome them and don’t quarrel over opinions!

    • “Welcome” - proslambanō (προσλαμβάνω) take hold of; bring along; lead aside; welcome; gather together; take as ones helper; partner. 

    • Love them.

  • Romans 14:2

    • Freedom vs. strict adherence 

No Contempt or Condemnation

  • Romans 14:3-13a

    • We can’t allow minor disagreements to cause division among us.

    • We welcome them:

      • Because God does.

      • Because of Christ’s work

      • Because they’re our brothers and sisters.

      • Because we will ALL stand before God’s judgement some day.

Seek Peace and Health, not Stress and Destruction

  • Romans 14:13b-23

    • 14:13 - don’t cause stress and strife

    • 14:19 - pursue peace and build others up.

Choose to Support Others More than Satisfying Self

  • Romans 15:1-13 

    • 15:1 - the strong have an obligation to bear the weakness of the weak.

    • 15:2 - how do my choices impact others and help them grow in their faith?

Practical exhortations built on theological foundations.


  • Romans 15:7

    • Accept (proslambanō) one another, just as Christ also accepted (proslambanō) you!

Romans - Government Matters

Romans - Government Matters

Dave Riddle - 1/05/20

Key Passage: Romans 13:1-7

The Authority of the State

  • Romans 13:1 - let everyone submit

  • “Submit” - hypotassō (Greek: ὑποτάσσω) to place; arrange under; to post under; to subject; to be obedient, to carry a burden

    • Luke 2:51 - Jesus submitted to his parents’ authority.

    • Ephesians 5:21 - submit yourself to one another

    • John 19:11 - you would have no authority over me if it had not been given to you from above.

The Function of the State

  • Romans 13:3-4

    • We know that this isn’t always true.

    • Paul is expressing the ideal.

      • 1. The state should exist to restrict and punish evil.

      • 2. The state should promote and reward goodness

    • Is wrong to speak out against authority? No!

      • We have a right and a responsibility to do so when the state isn’t living up to these ideals.

Our Relationship with the State

  • Romans 13:5

    • Therefore, you must submit.

      • What about when the will of the state is at direct odds with the will of God?

      • Acts 5:27-29

        • We must obey God rather than men.

    • Romans 12:18 If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone

  • Romans 13:6-7

    • what do we owe?

      • Tangible - tolls and taxes

      • Intangible - respect and honor