
Romans - Government Matters

Romans - Government Matters

Dave Riddle - 1/05/20

Key Passage: Romans 13:1-7

The Authority of the State

  • Romans 13:1 - let everyone submit

  • “Submit” - hypotassō (Greek: ὑποτάσσω) to place; arrange under; to post under; to subject; to be obedient, to carry a burden

    • Luke 2:51 - Jesus submitted to his parents’ authority.

    • Ephesians 5:21 - submit yourself to one another

    • John 19:11 - you would have no authority over me if it had not been given to you from above.

The Function of the State

  • Romans 13:3-4

    • We know that this isn’t always true.

    • Paul is expressing the ideal.

      • 1. The state should exist to restrict and punish evil.

      • 2. The state should promote and reward goodness

    • Is wrong to speak out against authority? No!

      • We have a right and a responsibility to do so when the state isn’t living up to these ideals.

Our Relationship with the State

  • Romans 13:5

    • Therefore, you must submit.

      • What about when the will of the state is at direct odds with the will of God?

      • Acts 5:27-29

        • We must obey God rather than men.

    • Romans 12:18 If possible, on your part, live at peace with everyone

  • Romans 13:6-7

    • what do we owe?

      • Tangible - tolls and taxes

      • Intangible - respect and honor

Up (Our Father)

A Family on Mission - Up (Our Father)

Dave Riddle - 06/16/19

Key Passage: Acts 13:22

The most important thing

  • Mark 12:28-30

Captured by the concept of worship

  • Romans 12:1

A rhythmic response to God’s self-revelation

  • 1 John 4:19 - “we love because He first loved us...”

A matter of our hearts

  • Mark 7:6



  • 1 Samuel 16:7

    • “...the Lord looks at the heart”

  • Acts 12:22

    • “...a man after my own heart”

    • We are called to align our hearts with God’s heart.

Allow God to be first

  • Philippians 3:7-14

  • Make God the object and pursuit of your life.

Rely on God’s power

  • 1 Samuel 17

  • Romans 8:11 - the same power that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in you!

Rest in His authority

Live in full transparency

  • Psalm 139 - you have searched me and know me.

Two Outcomes

  1. We are loved

    • The creator of the universe loves you!

    • 1 John 3:1 - his love is so great that we are called His children!

  2. Called to live in obedience!

    • John 14:15 - if we love God we will desire to keep His commands.