Hello, Calvary Family!
This week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued new guidance on the wearing of masks/facial coverings. On Friday, the Michigan Department of Health stated that they are updating the State’s Mask Mandate to align with the recent CDC guidance.
The Elders have approved the following changes to Calvary’s mask/facial covering protocols, effective Sunday, May 16, 2021.
For all persons of any age who have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19:
Masks are no longer required to be worn for any indoor or outdoor ministry activity.
For persons who have not been fully vaccinated:
Masks are required for all persons (kindergarten aged and older) within common areas (hallways, lobbies, restrooms, etc.) or any other areas where social distancing of at least 6 feet cannot be effectively achieved.
Masks are recommended but not required once seated in the Auditorium, while on stage, or when seated in an adult-only classroom, as long as social distancing of 6 feet or greater can be maintained.
Masks are required for children and students while seated in their classrooms.
We are discontinuing the RSVP registration for our Sunday morning worship service.
If you have specific questions, please feel free to contact Dan Arbitter at dan@cbcjoy.org. And as always, we thank you for your continued support, prayers, grace, patience and understanding as we live out life together in our church family.
Helping People Follow Jesus Together,
Dave Riddle, teaching pastor
Dan Arbitter, executive pastor