Message begins around 14:50
Practical Ways to Share Bible Stories
Global Missions Emphasis 2021
Ryan and Bethany Reedy
Key passage: Acts 17:16-34
What Stood Out?
Paul’s grief about the idols
Acts 17:16 (provoked, upset)
Paul took time to understand the culture.
Acts 17:23 (unknown god)
Where Paul went
Acts 17:17 (synagogue, public square)
Paul’s emphasis on the resurrection
Acts 17:18
What question might someone have about this story?
What is an Areopagus?
Acts 17:19 - a place to discuss religion, culture, philosophy
Acts 17:18
Epicureans: focused on pleasure, pain avoidance. Agnostic.
Stoically: Pantheistic. Strived for virtue.
Who are these poets Paul mentions?
Acts 27:28 - Paul learned their culture to connect with the people he was ministering to.
What do we learn about people?
The people love to discuss and debate ideas.
Acts 17:21
We are committed to the idols and gods that we’ve created in our own lives.
Acts 17:22-23
Two different response to truth.
Rebellion - Acts 17:32, 18
Humility - Acts 17:34
People need to repent
What did we learn about God?
There is one true God
Acts 17:24-25
God isn’t made by human hands or imagination.
Acts 17:29
God made us to know, love, and honor him
Acts 17:27
God has been patient, but he will eventually judge us.
Acts 17:29
How do I live out what I learned?
Are we following the one true God or the idols of our own making?
How do we respond to this truth?
Do we have a burden/conviction for the people around us who are caught up in their own idolatry?
Who can you tell this story to this week?
Pray and ask God to convict and burden our hearts to share this good news with others.