
Practical Ways to Share Bible Stories

Message begins around 14:50

Practical Ways to Share Bible Stories
Global Missions Emphasis 2021
Ryan and Bethany Reedy

Key passage: Acts 17:16-34

What Stood Out?

  • Paul’s grief about the idols

    • Acts 17:16 (provoked, upset)

  • Paul took time to understand the culture.

    • Acts 17:23 (unknown god)

  • Where Paul went

    • Acts 17:17 (synagogue, public square)

  • Paul’s emphasis on the resurrection

    • Acts 17:18

What question might someone have about this story? 

  • What is an Areopagus?

    • Acts 17:19 - a place to discuss religion, culture, philosophy

    • Acts 17:18

      • Epicureans: focused on pleasure, pain avoidance. Agnostic.

      • Stoically: Pantheistic. Strived for virtue.

  • Who are these poets Paul mentions?

    • Acts 27:28 - Paul learned their culture to connect with the people he was ministering to.

What do we learn about people?

  • The people love to discuss and debate ideas.

    • Acts 17:21

  • We are committed to the idols and gods that we’ve created in our own lives.

    • Acts 17:22-23

  • Two different response to truth.

    • Rebellion - Acts 17:32, 18

    • Humility - Acts 17:34

  • People need to repent

What did we learn about God?

  • There is one true God

    • Acts 17:24-25

  • God isn’t made by human hands or imagination.

    • Acts 17:29

  • God made us to know, love, and honor him

    • Acts 17:27

  • God has been patient, but he will eventually judge us.

    • Acts 17:29

Two Ways to Live

How do I live out what I learned?

  • Are we following the one true God or the idols of our own making?

  • How do we respond to this truth?

  • Do we have a burden/conviction for the people around us who are caught up in their own idolatry?

Who can you tell this story to this week?

  • Pray and ask God to convict and burden our hearts to share this good news with others.

Be Bold - Grad Sunday 2019

Be Bold

Phil Woodman - 06/02/19

Key Passage: 2 Timothy 3:10-17

Steps to a bold life that impacts the world for Jesus.

Bold Trust

  • You have followed my teaching

    • 2 Timothy 3:10

  • Continue on in it

    • 2 Timothy 3:14-15

Consistent Choices

  • Conduct - manner of life

    • 2 Timothy 3:10

  • Living sacrifice

    • Romans 12:1-2

    • Transformed, not conformed

Embrace our Purpose

  • Testify to the gospel of God’s grace

    • Acts 20:24

Expect Opposition

  • “All who want to live a godly life will be persecuted”

    • 2 Timothy 3:11-13

Light of the World

He Set His Face Title Slide.jpg

He Set His Face - Light of the World

Dave Riddle - 04/07/19

Key Passage: John 9:1-38

Luke 9:51 - When the days were coming to a close for Him to be taken up, He set His face resolutely towards Jerusalem. 

  • Resolute: purposefully unwavering or determined.

A Four-Part Testimony

“The Man Called Jesus”

  • Luke 9:8-12

  • The simple story of what Jesus did in his life.

He’s a Prophet

  • Luke 9:13-23

Man From God

  • Luke 9:24-34

  • The healed man is growing in his understanding of Jesus. First His name, then His role, and now where He comes from.

Son of Man

  • Luke 9:35-38

  • “I believe Lord!”