
Wholehearted Worship

House Rules - Worship

Dave Riddle - 10/30/2022

Key Passage: Psalm 95

Wholehearted Worship

  • …developing lips, hearts, and lives that acknowledge and celebrate the glory and goodness of God

  • Worship = proskyneo (Greek: προσκυνέω) - to fall upon the knees and touch the ground with the forehead as an expression of profound reverence

  • latreia (Greek: λατρεία): to serve in a sacrificial manner. Used in reference to religious practices and rituals. Divine priestly service.

  • leitourgeo (Greek: λειτουργία): to do public service, (by analogy) to preform religious or charitable functions. Worship, obey, minister.


  • Psalm 95:1 - Shout joyfully to the Lord the rock of our salvation

  • Psalm 63:1a - You are my God I worship you

    • 1st Commandment


  • Psalm 63:1-2 - You are MY God.


  • Psalm 95:1, 6 - “Come let us…”


  • Psalm 95:3-5 - We sing truth.

  • Our worship is a response to the truth of who God is and the truth of the transformation He is working in our lives.

Joyful Celebration

  • Psalm 95:1-2 - Shout joyfully to the Lord. Shout triumphantly…

  • rānan (Hebrew: רָנַן): to cry out, shout for joy

  • rûaʿ (Hebrew: רוּעַ): to shout, cry out, give a blast

    • Joshua 6:20 (Jericho)

    • 1 Samuel 4:5 (shouts that shake the ground)


  • Psalm 95:6

  • 1 John 3:1

  • Psalm 63:3-5


  • Psalm 95:7b-9

  • Roman 12:1 - present your bodies as a living sacrifice

Upside Down Worship

Upside Down Worship
03/06/2021 - Dave Riddle 
Key Passages: Psalm 95, Psalm 63

Worship begins with an invitation from God

Our Worship Must Be SINGULAR

  • Psalm 95:1

  • Psalm 63:1a

  • Exodus 20:1-11


  • Psalm 63:1a - “I seek you”

  • Psalm 95:1 - “Let Us”


  • Psalm 95:1-2 - shout, sing

    • rānan - to cry out, shout for joy, give a ringing cry.

    • rûaʿ - to shout, raise a sound, cry out, give a blast.

      • Joshua 6:20

      • 1 Samuel 4:5

      • 2 Samuel 6

    • Why? Because we have a lot to celebrate!

Our Worship Must Be Centered on TRUTH

  • Psalm 95:3-5

Our Worship Must Be Filled With REVERENCE

  • Filled with Joy & Bowed in Reverence

  • Joy & Awe

  • Wow & Woe

  • Revelation 7:9-12 - Celebration & Awe.

Our Worship Must Have a Deep Level of INTIMACY & PASSION

  • Psalm 63:3-5 - “Your love means more than life to me…”

    • Not ambivalent or neutral.

Our Worship Should Lead to OBEDIENCE

  • Psalm 95:7b-9

  • Exodus 17:7

  • Romans 12:1

The Rich Young Ruler & Ludwig Zinzendorf

Message begins around 14:45

The Rich Young Ruler & Ludwig Zinzendorf
Global Missions Emphasis 2021
Dr Jon Hardin - Frontiers

Key passage: Matthew 19:16-22

Count Nicholas Ludwig von Zinzendorf and the early Moravian Church.

  • a wealthy young man embarking on a trip that was meant to launch his life and career.

  • Has a life changing encounter with a painting of Jesus.

    • “This is what I did for you. What will you do for me?”

  • He buys a large estate and opens it up to Moravian refugees.

  • He meets with them in their homes and studies the Bible with them.

  • August 13, 1727 - the Moravian church experiences a powerful revival.

    • The village began sending out missionaries all over Europe.

  • He met a former slave named Anthony who inspired him to send missionaries to the Caribbean island of Saint Thomas.

    • Over the next few years the Moravians sent out more missionaries than all Protestant churches in the previous 200 years.

    • They sent out 1 out of every 12 congregants.

      • HOW!?


  • The worship of Christ was like the fuel of life in these communities.

    • They loved to worship!

The Word

  • Zinzendorf was a pioneer in the world of daily devotions.

  • The Moravian daily text, first published in 1723 is still published today in more than 50 languages.


  • They arranged a 24 hour prayer vigil that went unbroken for more than 100 years.

    • At least one man and one woman for every hour of the day.

Where does this kind of zeal come from?

  • In 1747 Zinzendorf commissioned a painting to depict their passion for global missions.

    • “The first fruits”

    • Inspired by Revelation 7:9-10, Revelation 14:4, and other texts.

    • Portraits of real people who were the first converts in their particular unreached people group.

Missions was an “all hands on deck” situation for the Moravian church.

  • A fully mobilized church

  • 1 of 12 going. The other 11 supporting.

  • The Great Commission: The whole church taking the whole gospel to the whole world.

Look Up

Look Up

This is a season of reset

Helping people follow Jesus together

  • Help people become like Jesus 

    • Luke 6:40

  • Walking as He walked

    • 1 John 2:6

Our Up Relationship is Prime

  • Mark 12:30


  • Romans 12:1

  • The heart of worship is loving God with our entire being.

  • Latreia (Greek: λατρεία) - worship or service. To kiss (in the same way a dog licks its master). To revere, to adore.

  • John 4:24 - worship

    • Proskyneo (Greek: προσκυνέω) - to fall upon the knees and touch the ground with the forehead as an expression of profound reverence

  • Revelation 19:4

Our Worship is a Response 

  • 1 John 4:19 - we love because he first loved us.

Our Worship Must be Real

  • Mark 7:6 - Honoring God with our hearts, not just our lips. 

  • 1 Samuel 15:22 - obedience not sacrifice

You are Loved 

  • 1 John 3:1 - You are His child!

The Life You Live

  • John 14:15 - love results in obedience

  • 1 John 5:3a - keep His commands

  • Acts 13:22 - a person aligned with God’s heart.

The Surrendered Life

Romans 12 - The Surrendered Life
Dave Riddle - 09/15/19

Key Passage: Romans 12:1-2

“So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you:” - Romans 12:1 (Message)

An Impassioned Plea

  • I urge you (Romans 12:1)

    • parakaleō (Greek: παρακαλέω) - to admonish, exhort. to beg, entreat, beseech...

To whom? All the family of God.

  • Romans 12:1 - “therefore brothers and sisters...”

On what grounds? God’s mercies.

  • Mercies plural

  • Not because of anything we’ve done, but because the mercy he shows us again and again.

This call has two facets

  • A Living Sacrifice (12:1)

    • Our bodies

      • A shocking statement for Paul’s Roman audience who saw the body as a grave.

    • Our worship

      • Our body is not a tomb, but a tool to worship God in everything we do!

      • Our physical bodies become a spiritual act of worship.

  • Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. (12:2)

    • Don’t just be like everyone else. (Conformity)

    • Allow yourself to be transformed.

      • Daily and continually, not a one time event.

      • metamorphoō (Greek: μεταμορφόω) - to change into another form, to transform, to transfigure.

    • The world’s standards and God’s will are so far apart that you cannot just take a little bit of each.

Up (Our Father)

A Family on Mission - Up (Our Father)

Dave Riddle - 06/16/19

Key Passage: Acts 13:22

The most important thing

  • Mark 12:28-30

Captured by the concept of worship

  • Romans 12:1

A rhythmic response to God’s self-revelation

  • 1 John 4:19 - “we love because He first loved us...”

A matter of our hearts

  • Mark 7:6



  • 1 Samuel 16:7

    • “...the Lord looks at the heart”

  • Acts 12:22

    • “...a man after my own heart”

    • We are called to align our hearts with God’s heart.

Allow God to be first

  • Philippians 3:7-14

  • Make God the object and pursuit of your life.

Rely on God’s power

  • 1 Samuel 17

  • Romans 8:11 - the same power that raised Jesus from the dead now lives in you!

Rest in His authority

Live in full transparency

  • Psalm 139 - you have searched me and know me.

Two Outcomes

  1. We are loved

    • The creator of the universe loves you!

    • 1 John 3:1 - his love is so great that we are called His children!

  2. Called to live in obedience!

    • John 14:15 - if we love God we will desire to keep His commands.