
Organic Outreach

House Rules - Organic Outreach

Dave Riddle - 11/27/2022

Key Passage: Matthew 9:35-38

Outreach = Sharing and showing the good news of Jesus in everyday life.

He Went

  • Matthew 9:35

    • While he was out and about he was purposeful.


  • Matthew 9:35

    • Teaching = didaskō (Greek: διδάσκω) - teaching with the purpose of transformation.

…Proclaiming the Good News

  • Matthew 9:35

    • kēryssō euaggelion basileia (Greek: κηρύσσω ευαγγελιον βασιλεα) - preaching the good news of the Kingdom.


  • Matthew 9:35

    • Jesus understood that people needed healing and he provided it.

He Noticed

  • Matthew 9:36 - “when he saw the crowds...”

    • He didn’t overlook them or look past them. He saw them.

Jesus Felt

  • Compassion

    • Matthew 9:36

    • splagchnizomai (Greek: σπλαγχνίζομαι) - to be moved as to one's bowels, hence to be moved with compassion, have compassion (for the bowels were thought to be the seat of love and pity)

He Explained

  • Matthew 9:37-38

    • The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few

We Embody

  • Luke 6:40

    • We should do what Jesus did.

    • Our ministry should be incarnational.

We Testify

  • Acts 1:7-8

    • We are being sent out to share and show the good news of Jesus!

  • Ephesians 1:7

    • Good news!

Why Family on Mission?

Why Family on Mission?

6/13/21 - Dave Riddle 

Key passages: 1 Timothy 3:15, Matthew 28:18-20

We use the word family because it’s biblical.

Family = oikos (Greek: οἶκος) - an inhabited house, a physical dwelling place. Also, the inhabitants of a house, all the persons forming one family - a household. 

  • 1 Timothy 3:15 - we are the household of God.

  • The church is called “brother and sisters” over 20 times in the book of Acts alone!

What is our mission?

  • Matthew 28:18-20 - The great commission. Go make disciples…

  • Disciple = mathetes (Greek: μαθητής) - pupil/learner/student - a disciple. In the New Testament, a disciple is one who not only learns, but accepts and adverse to the instruction given to them, making it their personal everyday way of living .

  • Teaching them = didaskō (Greek: διδάσκω) - teaching with the purpose of transformation.

  • Acts 1:8

  • “The church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that [everything else is] simply a waste of time. God became man for no other purpose.” CS Lewis

  • Luke 6:40

Helping People Follow Jesus Together

  1. UP

    • Living in right relationship with the Father.

      • Jesus prioritized his relationship with his Father.

  2. IN

    • Living in right relationship with our church family.

      • You can’t walk in obedience with the will of God if you aren’t walking in right relationship with your brothers and sisters.

  3. OUT

    • Living on mission to reach the world.

      • We are ambassadors, as if God was making his appeal through us!

They Were Amazed

The Were Amazed

The Gospel of John - Part 21 • 2/14/21

Key passage: John 7:14-24

John 7:14 - Jesus went to the temple and began to teach.

  • “teach” = didaskō: teaching for transformation.


  • John 7:15 - the people were amazed.

    • “How does he know the Hebrew Bible so well without being trained?”

The Sent One

  • John 7:16 - My teaching isn’t mine, but is from the One who sent me.

  • John 7:17

    • Jesus’ teaching traces back to God.

Humble, True, and Perfect

  • John 7:18 - Sent by God. There is no unrighteousness in him.

    • “Sent” = pempō: dispatched or sent on an errand.

    • “Unrighteousness” = adikia: a deed violating law and justice

Fearless Challenger

  • John 7:19 - none of you keeps the law

    • This would have been a shocking statement for people who were obsessed with keeping the law.

      • John 7:20


  • John 7:21 - I did one work and you were all amazed.

    • “Amazed” Same word from John 7:15

He came to Fulfill the Law

  • John 7:22 - some things override the sabbath.

    • They didn’t understand the purpose of the sabbath

    • Sabbath was created for humanity, humanity wasn’t created to observe the sabbath.

Intro to Koinonia

Romans 12 - Intro to Koinōnia
Dave Riddle - 09/22/19

Key Passage: Romans 12:3-8

koinōnia (Greek: κοινωνία) - fellowship, association, community, intimacy, joint participation (the share which one has in anything), communion. 

Humble, wise self-assessment

  • Romans 12:3

  • we need to have an accurate assessment of ourselves.

    • See ourselves as God sees us.

A single body; many pieces and roles

  • Romans 12:4

  • Unity! One body.

Diversity! Many roles.

Deeply connected

  • Romans 12:5

  • Individually members of one another.


  • Romans 12:6

    • Different than talent

    • Gifts of the spirit

  • Speaking gifts

    • didaskō - teaching for transformation.

  • Service gifts

Grace and Faith are indispensable 

  • Romans 12:3

Out (Our World)

A Family on Mission - Out (Our World)

Dave Riddle - 06/30/19

Key Passage: Matthew 9:35-38

A Quick Review

  1. One Calling

    • Help people follow Jesus together

  2. Two Commandments

    • Love God, Love Others

      • Mark 12:28-31

  3. Three Dimensions

    • Up, In, Out

Living on Mission like Jesus

He went.

  • Matthew 9:35 - “Jesus continued going...”

    • Teaching

      • didaskō (Greek: διδάσκω) - teaching with the purpose of transformation.

    • Gospelling

      • kēryssō euaggelion basileia (Greek: κηρύσσω ευαγγελιον βασιλεα) - preaching the good news of the Kingdom.

    • Healing

      • Jesus understood that people needed healing and he provided it.

He Noticed.

  • Matthew 9:36 - “when he saw the crowds...”

    • He didn’t overlook them or look past them. He saw them.

He felt.

  • Compassion

    • Matthew 9:36

    • splagchnizomai (Greek: σπλαγχνίζομαι) - to be moved as to one's bowels, hence to be moved with compassion, have compassion (for the bowels were thought to be the seat of love and pity)

He Explained

  • Matthew 9:37

    • The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few

Our Response

We Embody Jesus

  • Luke 6:40

  • We want to be like Him.

We Proclaim

  • Acts 1:8

  • Witnesses for Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit

Two Outcomes

  1. Redemption

    • Ephesians 1:7

  2. Restoration

    • We can make a difference in a world of chaos.

The most important thing to remember is how desperately God loves you.

  • The world is full of individuals that God loves individually.

  • Do we see the world through God’s eyes or do we see faceless/nameless masses?