
What is Church?

What is Church?

Dave Riddle - 6/09/2024

Key Passages: Acts 2:42-44, 2 Corinthians 8:1-5

“There is no relationship with God apart from His family”

Consumerism is about:

- satisfaction

- Entitlement

- More for me

- Obsession

- Devouring

- We think WE are doing the devouring, but instead IT devours us.

Community is about:

- being on mission

- Responsibility

- Serving others

- Freedom

- Creating


- God desires for you to be an active partner, not a passive observer.

- 2 Corinthians 8:23

- Philippians 1:4-5

- Hebrews 10:33

- Philemon 17

- Acts 2:42-44

- koinos: “All things in common” = common; shared by all our several

- koinonos: associate, comrade, companion, sharer, partner

- koinonia: fellowship, association, joint participation, communion, community, the state one has in something, partnership

The mindset of partnership

- 2 Corinthians 8:1-5

- melos: being a living part of an interconnected body/dynamic body.

- Romans 12 & 1 Corinthians 12

- a partner is someone who is engaged with the organization’s mission

What is our focus?

- Privilege or responsibility?

- Get or give?

- Passive or active involvement?


- Philippians 2:3-5

- Love, unity, humility, a common mission…

- A family on mission

Why Family on Mission?

Why Family on Mission?

6/13/21 - Dave Riddle 

Key passages: 1 Timothy 3:15, Matthew 28:18-20

We use the word family because it’s biblical.

Family = oikos (Greek: οἶκος) - an inhabited house, a physical dwelling place. Also, the inhabitants of a house, all the persons forming one family - a household. 

  • 1 Timothy 3:15 - we are the household of God.

  • The church is called “brother and sisters” over 20 times in the book of Acts alone!

What is our mission?

  • Matthew 28:18-20 - The great commission. Go make disciples…

  • Disciple = mathetes (Greek: μαθητής) - pupil/learner/student - a disciple. In the New Testament, a disciple is one who not only learns, but accepts and adverse to the instruction given to them, making it their personal everyday way of living .

  • Teaching them = didaskō (Greek: διδάσκω) - teaching with the purpose of transformation.

  • Acts 1:8

  • “The church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that [everything else is] simply a waste of time. God became man for no other purpose.” CS Lewis

  • Luke 6:40

Helping People Follow Jesus Together

  1. UP

    • Living in right relationship with the Father.

      • Jesus prioritized his relationship with his Father.

  2. IN

    • Living in right relationship with our church family.

      • You can’t walk in obedience with the will of God if you aren’t walking in right relationship with your brothers and sisters.

  3. OUT

    • Living on mission to reach the world.

      • We are ambassadors, as if God was making his appeal through us!

God’s Household

A Family on Mission - God’s Household

Dave Riddle - 06/09/19

Key Passages: 1 Timothy 3:15, Matthew 28:18-20, Luke 6:40

Our mission: Helping People Follow Jesus Together!

  • A family on mission!

1 Timothy 3:15 - ... I have written so that you will know how people ought to act in God’s household, which is the church of the living God,  the pillar and foundation of the truth.

  • Household = oikos (Greek: οἶκος) - an inhabited house, a physical dwelling place. Also, the inhabitants of a house, all the persons forming one family - a household. 

    • In the New Testament: the family of God: Where God has made his home. Us!

Matthew 28:18-20 - Then Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.  19 Go, therefore, and make disciples  of  all nations,  baptizing  them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember,  I am with you always,  to the end of the age.” 

  • Disciples = mathēteuō (Greek: μαθητεύω) -  to be a disciple of another, or to make someone a disciple. 

  • mathetes (Greek: μαθητής) - pupil/leaner/student - a disciple. In the New Testament, a disciple is one who not only learns, but accepts and adverse to the instruction given to them, making it their personal everyday way of living .

Luke 6:40 - A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.

  • we are called to become like Jesus and help others become like Him too!

Three-Dimensional Discipleship 

  1. Up (Father)

    • Reconnect with our Father God through the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. 

  2. In (Family)

    • We are connected. We can’t do this apart from our brothers and sisters. United in Christ. 

  3. Out (World)

    • Salt and light, ambassadors and witnesses to the world! We exist to reach out into the world to see them become like Jesus too!

A Strong Word to Would-Be Followers

He Set His Face Title Slide.jpg

He Set His Face - A Strong Word to Would-Be Followers

Dave Riddle - 03/24/19

Key Passage: Luke 14:25-34

Luke 9:51 - When the days were coming to a close for Him to be taken up, He set His face resolutely towards Jerusalem. 

  • Resolute: purposefully unwavering or determined.

5 Examples to Illustrate 5 Marks of a Follower

  1. Family: Love Jesus Supremely

    • Luke 14:26

    • Jesus uses hyperbole to show that nothing should rival the love we have for God.

    • If Jesus is the absolute priority of your life everything else will fall into place.

  2. A Cross: Live to Die

    • Luke 14:27

    • Galatians 2:20

    • I no longer live but Christ lives in me

    • Our old self has to die.

  3. A Building: All in, to the very end

    • Luke 14:28-30

    • From your entire life, for your entire life.

    • In every facet of life.

  4. A War: Surrender to the more powerful king

    • Luke 14:31-33

    • It’s not about winning, it’s about surrendering.

    • How much confidence do you have in your own resources?

    • John 14:27 - Peace eirēnē (Greek: εἰρήνη) - a state of rest, denoting the absence or end of strife. It refers to a state of untroubled, I disturbed well-being. Peace; a state of natural tranquility. 

  5. Salt: Reality matches identity

    • Luke 14:34-35

    • Are we marked by our decision to follow Jesus?