Be THAT House 2020 Recap

Two years ago, Calvary introduced the challenge to “Be That House” during Halloween. We invited our Calvary family to be the house that sticks out in the neighborhood—the house that hands out awesome candy, has the best décor, makes everyone feel welcomed at Halloween. This year, we expanded that invitation beyond Halloween and incorporated ideas that surrounded the fall season. The purpose of this was to encourage our family of believers to BE. Be intentional. Be loving. Be generous. Be compassionate. BE JESUS. We also wanted to emphasize what it looks like to live out Colossians 1:28: “we proclaim him…so that we may present everyone mature in Christ.”

 Our church staff presented ideas, provided materials, offered available coaching throughout the months of October and November. As we look back on those two months, we heard from a few people that participated—one individual used items for “Boo Bags” for several of their neighbors. Another group did a “Rake-n-Run” for the father of one of our church family members. Someone recently shared making bread for several of her neighbors. 


It was encouraging to hear what some chose to do, and we want to emphasize the fruit that comes from talking and sharing the ways in which God is working in and around you. Striving to BE Jesus is not an easy thing to do and we do not expect that it is something we will check off a list or celebrate as a goal we have achieved. However, we fully recognize as His Church that it requires STRIVING. It requires effort on our parts and as we are in process of BE-ing who He has called us to be…it may look messy and it may be complicated, or it may look different than we expected. One thing we know to be true is, as God is working in us and through us, we will experience the opportunity to grow in Him. I urge and challenge you to share not just what you are doing, but what God is teaching you. Be a testament and a witness to who God is. I challenge you to talk more about what God is revealing in your life. He invites you to BE an active part of His redemptive plan. It is vital as we “strive with His strength” (Col 1:29) that we respond with proclamation and praise for His transformative, redemptive work!