COVID-19 Update 12.4.20 - Moving Online

COVID-19 UPDATE 12.4.20

Hello, Calvary Family!

We hope this message finds you doing well. In our last communication on November 21, we highlighted that the Elder Team approved the use of certain metrics related to coronavirus case data in Michigan. Those metrics are being used to determine when and if it would be prudent for us to move to an online-only ministry format. 

We are sorry to inform you that over the last week, we have reached a level which exceeds one of those metric’s trigger points (the 7-day rolling average of deaths per day). Coronavirus-related death rates have now reached levels not seen since early May and are now over seven times higher than when we first transitioned to online-only programming in the middle of March. 

In light of this, effective Sunday, December 6, we will be moving to online-only for our worship services and all ministry gatherings greater than 10 people

During this pandemic, while we recognize the vital importance and priority of gathering together, we also understand the need to consider things like public health, stress on health care systems and individuals, and being good and responsible citizens. 

Right now, it is difficult to project when we will be able to return to in-person large group gatherings. We will be continuing to use these same metrics to determine when we can return again to in-person larger group gatherings.

As we have mentioned on many occasions, your prayer support is so desperately needed and sincerely appreciated. Here are some specific things for which you can be praying:

  • Our Elder Team, as they seek God’s wisdom in decision making.

  • Those who have lost loved ones throughout this last year, especially as we move into the holiday season.

  • PCA, as they continue to minister to children in our community during this challenging season.

  • Health care workers, as they serve our community during times of risk and fatigue.

  • Unity and grace in our church family, as we journey through this time together.

  • Our CBC staff, as they struggle to find creative ways to minister and not be discouraged.

  • Those who are struggling financially, due to loss of their job or reduced wages.

  • Those in our community, as many are experiencing this time without the hope of Jesus.

Though the last nine months or so have been very challenging, we also recognize that it has been an opportunity for each of us individually, and all of us collectively, to deepen our faith and trust in God. Consider what Paul was inspired by God to share with the followers of Jesus living in Corinth, many years ago:  

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.  And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:12-13, NIV 1984) 

If you have any questions or need some clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact Dan Arbitter at Thank you! 

Helping People Follow Jesus Together,

Dave Riddle, teaching + vision pastor
Dan Arbitter, executive pastor