
A Free Gift from Calvary


We're excited to share that our church now has access to an extensive, new video library called RightNow Media! It's like the "Netflix of Video Bible Studies" and has a HUGE library of faith-based videos that you can access whenever and wherever you want – on your phone, iPad, computer, or at home on your TV.

As a church staff, we're always looking for ways to help you develop and strengthen your faith. We believe that RightNow Media will be a tool to serve you as you live out your faith at home, at work and in your neighborhood. RightNow Media has videos for everyone – kids, youth, parents, married couples, college students, single adults, working professionals – all aimed at helping you grow.

We pray that RightNow Media will be a blessing for you and your family!

Would you like a FREE account? contact us and we'll get you signed up!



New Adult Elective Study Offering: Ambassadors For Life

Making Life-Affirming Disciples is a practical, nonpolitical, gospel-centered course to equip Christ followers at a church to offer support and discipleship to women and men who face challenging circumstances during pregnancy and child-rearing. Pregnancy Centers seek to bring men and women to Christ, but local churches are vital for providing long-term discipleship and support to the abortion vulnerable and the post-abortive. The class is designed to draw us into greater reliance on God and intimacy with Jesus and provide our church with a Christlike response to abortion. 

This 12 week course will be offered at Calvary this fall on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. beginning September 11 with leaders, James & Kristi Abernathy. Please pre-register below so we can have materials in place for our first meeting. The class will meet in the Church Office Conference Room.

Fall Ministry Schedule

2021-2022 Ministry Offerings

We’re looking forward to another great ministry year together! We invite you to consider how you and your family can connect with God and others at Calvary through the different Sunday and Midweek ministry offerings in the coming weeks. If you have any questions about any of the details below, please contact Dan Arbitter. We look forward to seeing you soon! 


All activities begin the week of September 12


In the Auditorium, Sundays at 10:45

Life Groups

Continuing virtually or in-personplease contact Bobbie Lee Barr for more info.


Community outreach opportunities. For more information, visit


Sundays at 9:30 a.m. starting September 12

Adult Bible Fellowship is a critical piece of our overall CBC Discipleship Pathway. ABFs are a place to connect with others, build long-term relationships, and dive into Scripture together as a group of Jesus-followers. They are foundational to integrating into and being a part of the Calvary family. If you have never been a part of an ABF, we encourage you to consider taking this next step as we begin the fall season. If you have been a part of an ABF and have experienced the benefit of these groups, we’d encourage you to consider inviting a friend who does not attend Calvary to your ABF as a chance to connect them to Calvary in a less formal, smaller format. If you have any questions about which group would be a good fit for you or if you’re interested in joining a group meeting at a different time, please contact Dan Arbitter.

  • App - Studying Matthew, meeting in the Art Portable, teacher: Charles Bai

  • Becomers – Studying 2 Peter & Jude, meeting in Room 302, teacher: Mike Moyer

  • Bereans – Studying Jonah & Nahum, meeting in Room 401, teacher: Paul Prong

  • Core – Studying Ephesians, meeting in the Cafeteria, teacher: Paul Trulock

  • Cornerstone – Studying Galatians, meeting in Room 303, teachers: Rod & Leanne Windle

  • Adult Elective – Studying “The Acts Of The Apostles”, meeting in the Band Room with teacher, Tom Weedon

Adult Bible Discussion & Prayer

Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. starting September 15

Meeting in the Choir Room with leader, Dave Riddle


Beginning September 14 & 15

  • Morning Bible Study - Tuesdays at 9:15 a.m.

    • Class 1 studying 1 Timothy & Titus in Room 401 with teachers, Chelsea Ford & Heidi Fulk

    • Class 2 studying Exodus 1-18 in Room 303 with teacher, Leanne Windle

  • Evening Bible Study

    • Tuesdays at 6:45 p.m., studying Exodus 1-18 in Room 302 with teachers, Gina Murrin & Beth Rhodes

    • Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m., studying Exodus 1-18 in Room 401 with teachers, Sarah Bomgaars and Julie Stephenson

  • Moms Together (for moms of young children) meeting 2nd & 4th Fridays at 9:15 in Room 303 (beginning 9/10), coordinator: Kelly Rich


Sundays at 6:30 p.m. starting September 12

Studying Creation, meeting in The Barn with teacher, James Abernathy

Calvary Students

Starting September 12 and 15

Sunday Morning - 6th-12th Grade Bible Study, meeting in The Barn, 9:30am.

Wednesday Night - 6:30 p.m.

  • Middle School (6th-8th Grade) meeting in Room 303

  • High School (9th-12th Grade) meeting in The Barn

High School Small Groups – Sundays, 4:30-6:00 p.m., kicking off by the Barn on 9/26

Calvary Kids

Starting September 12 & 15

Sunday Morning - 9:30 & 10:45 a.m.

  • 1st Hour (9:30 a.m.) Nursery-5th Grade meeting in various locations

  • 2nd Hour (10:45 a.m.) Nursery-Preschool meeting in various locations

  • Kids Worship (K-5th) meeting in Room 303, dismissed during the worship service

Wednesday Night - 6:30 p.m.

  • Brite Kids Club (K-2nd) meeting in the PCA Activity Center

  • Forged Kids Club (3rd-5th) meeting in the PCA Butler Gymnasium

COVID-19 Update 12.4.20 - Moving Online

COVID-19 UPDATE 12.4.20

Hello, Calvary Family!

We hope this message finds you doing well. In our last communication on November 21, we highlighted that the Elder Team approved the use of certain metrics related to coronavirus case data in Michigan. Those metrics are being used to determine when and if it would be prudent for us to move to an online-only ministry format. 

We are sorry to inform you that over the last week, we have reached a level which exceeds one of those metric’s trigger points (the 7-day rolling average of deaths per day). Coronavirus-related death rates have now reached levels not seen since early May and are now over seven times higher than when we first transitioned to online-only programming in the middle of March. 

In light of this, effective Sunday, December 6, we will be moving to online-only for our worship services and all ministry gatherings greater than 10 people

During this pandemic, while we recognize the vital importance and priority of gathering together, we also understand the need to consider things like public health, stress on health care systems and individuals, and being good and responsible citizens. 

Right now, it is difficult to project when we will be able to return to in-person large group gatherings. We will be continuing to use these same metrics to determine when we can return again to in-person larger group gatherings.

As we have mentioned on many occasions, your prayer support is so desperately needed and sincerely appreciated. Here are some specific things for which you can be praying:

  • Our Elder Team, as they seek God’s wisdom in decision making.

  • Those who have lost loved ones throughout this last year, especially as we move into the holiday season.

  • PCA, as they continue to minister to children in our community during this challenging season.

  • Health care workers, as they serve our community during times of risk and fatigue.

  • Unity and grace in our church family, as we journey through this time together.

  • Our CBC staff, as they struggle to find creative ways to minister and not be discouraged.

  • Those who are struggling financially, due to loss of their job or reduced wages.

  • Those in our community, as many are experiencing this time without the hope of Jesus.

Though the last nine months or so have been very challenging, we also recognize that it has been an opportunity for each of us individually, and all of us collectively, to deepen our faith and trust in God. Consider what Paul was inspired by God to share with the followers of Jesus living in Corinth, many years ago:  

Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.  And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:12-13, NIV 1984) 

If you have any questions or need some clarification, please don’t hesitate to contact Dan Arbitter at Thank you! 

Helping People Follow Jesus Together,

Dave Riddle, teaching + vision pastor
Dan Arbitter, executive pastor

Calvary Kids Kicks Off October 25 

Calvary Kids Kicks Off October 25 

We are excited to begin our new GROW curriculum and challenge our students to GROW in their relationship with God, with others, and with our community. Here’s a look at what to expect for the week of October 25: 

  • Nursery and Early Childhood Classes (2 years old through Kindergarten) will meet both first and second hour (9:30 and 10:45 a.m.).

  • 1st – 5th Grade classes will meet first hour only (9:30 a.m.). 

  • 1st – 5th Graders will join their parents in the worship service during second hour (10:45 a.m.). Activity packets to reinforce our GROW Sunday theme will continue to be available, as well as a link to a Right Now Media video.  

  • Weekly online lessons for preschool and elementary aged kids will continue to be provided via our Sunday newsletter and the church website for those continuing to worship at home.

  • A Mid-Week Family Activity to extend our Sunday GROW theme will be emailed to parents each Wednesday. 

  • In-person Wednesday children’s ministry will not resume at this time. We are continuing to look at various options given staffing and interest. 

More details regarding classroom safety procedures and kids’ check-in will be sent to parents of children and will be posted on our website later this week. If you’re not on the distribution list for our Calvary Kids emails and would like to sign up, please contact

If you have any questions about any of the information listed above, please contact  Bonnie Varney at

Precautions for In-Person Indoor Gatherings

  • We will have one Sunday worship service on our campus, in the church Auditorium, that will include live music and teaching at 10:45 a.m. Anyone planning to attend this in-person worship service needs to RSVP!

  • Our Sunday worship service will also continue to be live streamed online at 10:45 a.m. The link to jump in for the live stream remains the same:

  • In addition to our Sunday worship service, other indoor ministries are being offered including some of our adult and student classes, which will begin at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, prior to the worship service. You can visit for more information about the different ministry offerings. If you’re planning to attend one of the first hour classes at 9:30 a.m., you do not need to RSVP for those – only the worship service.

  • Consistent with our desire to love our church family and community during this pandemic, we are requiring all attendees to wear a mask or face covering inside the building for the duration of their visit (infants and preschool aged children are exempt). Additionally, we will provide a brief temperature check for all upon entering the building.

  • Please note that our Nursery and Calvary Kids programming will not meet in-person until October 25. Until then, children younger than middle school are encouraged to attend an Adult Bible Fellowship (ABF) class and/or the worship service with their families.

  • There will be no coffee provided, but please feel free to bring your own!

Please use the button below for more in-depth information and an FAQ section

In-Person Gatherings Cancelled • 9/27

Change Of Plans For September 27 

Hey, Calvary Family:
Our sincere apologies for the very late notice, but we wanted you to know that, unfortunately, all in-person activities scheduled to take place at CBC  tomorrow, September 27, need to be cancelled. More details will follow as we’re able to share them.

UPDATE: Please visit this post for more information

Transitioning Indoors on 9/27

Our Elders are so appreciative of all the prayers and expressions of support and encouragement over the past few weeks as they worked through decisions about in-person ministry offerings for the fall. As Pastor Dave announced on Sunday, we are looking forward to transitioning to in-person, indoor worship services beginning on September 27. Specific details about the logistics for those services, as well as decisions about other fall ministry offerings will be communicated in the weeks to come. Please continue to be in prayer for our church leadership and staff as they navigate these challenging times. Thank you! 

Stay tuned for more info soon!

Pray For Our Elders

Please Pray For Our Elders

Dear Calvary Family,  

Consistent with our church-wide focus on being joined in prayer this week, the Elders would sincerely appreciate your prayer support now and on an ongoing basis, relative to fall ministry planning. Despite the ongoing uncertainty around all of us, the Elders have continued to lean into a number of key principles as the foundation upon which to guide our church as we live out our mission of “helping others follow Jesus together,” even in this unique season of ministry. Although we continue to be encouraged by the growth we see in many areas, we readily acknowledge the challenging aspects of our ability to gather in person as significantly constrained and painful. 

The timing has certainly been beyond what many of us would have anticipated, and we recognize that some churches in the surrounding area have chosen different approaches than we have to date. We all long to be together again and to return to some sense of “normalcy." We also have great appreciation for your perseverance during this period of time and recognize the impact of the prolonged nature of the pandemic. The fall season has always brought with it a time of great expectation for ministry together at Calvary. As such, the Elders are requesting your prayers that there would be clarity and unity as we continue to seek God’s wisdom regarding next steps moving forward in the coming weeks and months.

Thanks, in advance, for your faithfulness in prayer!

Bob Baker, Brett Comstock, Paul Ellinger, David Gregory, Evin Hutton, Dave Riddle, Rod Windle and Bob Yerks

(CBC Elder Team)

Parking Lot Construction

Hey Calvary Family – 

It was great to connect online again this past Sunday! We were bummed that the weather prevented us from meeting outside as planned but remain incredibly grateful for our team’s ability to flex and livestream the service from our Auditorium. We loved having our Student Ministries worship team lead us in worship as well; big thanks to them! 

This week marks the beginning of an exciting change to the look of our campus! As many of you are aware, our parking lot has been in need of repair for quite some time. Since we had made a significant down payment prior to the onset of the pandemic, this is the one major facility upgrade project that we are actively pursuing this ministry year. Construction on this project began earlier this week and is scheduled to be wrapped up in time to accommodate PCA’s start of school on August 24.   

Due to the logistics of this exciting project, there will be some weeks we are unable to provide outdoor services. The patio area and driveway where we’ve been meeting on Sundays is being affected, and parking on campus will be limited and challenging. So, we are currently planning for our worship service to be online only this coming Sunday, August 9. If weather and construction logistics allow for ideal progress throughout the week, there is a slight chance that we would be able to offer the outdoor services. In that case, we would let you know and offer links to RSVP later this week. Either way, we will send a communication no later than Saturday, August 8, confirming our final plan for this Sunday’s worship service.

Regardless of how we end up being able to gather, we certainly look forward to worshiping our Lord together as a church family this coming Sunday. If you have any questions about the parking lot construction project or the worship service plans, please feel free to reach out to Dan Arbitter ( Thanks so much for your understanding and cooperation! 

Helping people follow Jesus together, 

Dave Riddle, teaching + vision pastor
Dan Arbitter, executive pastor

Outdoor Worship - What to Expect

Outdoor Worship at Calvary

We’re very excited to be transitioning back to in-person worship! We have four options for how you can join in: worship from your home via livestream, worship on campus from inside your vehicle, worship on campus outside on the lawn, or (NEW!) worship on campus inside our Lobby via livestream. Here’s what to expect as you prepare to worship on Sunday!

At Your Home – Via Livestream
- We’ll be streaming live at 10:45 a.m. from our on-site outdoor services.
- You can find the links to watch the stream at

On Campus – From Your Vehicle
- Join us for either the 9:00 a.m. or 10:45 a.m. service times. Please plan on arriving roughly 15 minutes before the service begins to get settled in your parking spot. When you arrive, signage & staff will direct you to the “Stay-In-Car” parking and worship area.
- Signs will also note a radio station frequency number to which you can tune in and listen to the service.
- We ask that you please plan to remain in your vehicle for the duration of your time on campus, unless you need to use the restroom.
- No RSVP is needed to attend from your vehicle.

On Campus – On The Lawn
- Our on-campus capacity is 100 persons and requires an RSVP. Links to RSVP for the 9:00 and 10:45 services are available at
- Those who have RSVP’d to join us at 9:00 and 10:45 a.m. should also plan to arrive roughly 15 minutes before the service begins. When you arrive, signage and staff will direct you to the “Lawn RSVP” parking and worship area.
- We encourage lawn attendees to bring their own chairs or blankets for seating, but we will have chairs available if needed. Please note, as we endeavor to be respectful of the current executive order in effect in Michigan, our expectation for on-the-lawn worshipers is that they would observe appropriate social distancing standards (6’ minimum between different family units, please!). 
- We will be outside on the grass so please feel free to dress appropriately and comfortably for the weather and environment and to consider sun and bug protection. You are welcome to bring your own drinks or snacks.
- If you are bringing young children with you to worship on the lawn, we kindly ask that you be sure to keep them close to you at all times and please refrain from using the playground equipment while on campus.
- The wearing of masks for outdoor worship is optional – we expect to see people with and without masks. If you prefer to not wear a mask, we ask that you please be respectful of those who do. Note: since singing may have the potential to increase the risk of virus transmission, we are recommending (but not requiring) the use of a mask by those who choose to sing along with our worship music while attending from the lawn seating. Thanks in advance for your grace, consideration, understanding, and cooperation!

NEW OPTION: On Campus - In The Lobby
- Participants can view the 10:45 livestream from our West Lobby on our newly installed large-screen televisions.
- Our indoor capacity is limited to 10 persons and requires an RSVP. A link to RSVP can be found at
- This worship option is open to anyone, though we’ll try to give preference to those who may have limitations in being able to attend an outdoor service or connect online in their home.
- Please note, per the current executive order in effect in Michigan, a mask/face covering is required for all who attend this indoor service.

A few other thoughts for those planning to join in-person…
- Restrooms will be available in the Barn and in the lower level of the church building.
- There will be no Calvary Kids activities for our in-person services, but printable resources will be emailed out to families with children; that can be brought along for them to use during the service.
- A songsheet with lyrics of our songs for the day is available at We will be projecting lyrics on screens during the service, but they may be difficult to read so please consider either printing the songsheet at home and bringing it with you or following along on your mobile device.
- If inclement weather is expected for Sunday morning, we will make the call by 6:00 p.m. on Saturday to cancel both the indoor and outdoor in-person, on-campus venues. In the case of a cancellation, our team will lead the worship service from the church building via livestream only at 10:45 a.m.

Did we cover all your questions? If there’s anything else you’d like to know, please email Dan Arbitter ( We look forward to worshiping together this Sunday!

Calvary Women - Summer Studies!

Join us this summer for one of two Summer Bible Study options.

Monday mornings at 10:30am - June 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29. Join us on Zoom to discuss With All Your Heart: Living Joyfully Through Allegiance to King Jesus by Christine Hoover.


Wednesday mornings at 9:30am - June 10, 17, 24 and July 1, 8, 15, and 22. Join us on Zoom to walk through and discuss the book of Jude using Jackie Hill Perry’s workbook, Jude: Contending for the Faith in Today’s Culture.

Learn more about both options by visiting this page!

Christmas Worship Choir

We are recruiting worshipers for a special worship choir to sing in the worship service on Sunday, December 15. We will have 3 practices: Sundays November 24, December 1, and 8 from 8:15-9:15am in the Choir Room. A light breakfast will be provided and we will teach both melody and harmony parts.

To sign up, please email to receive a link for a digital download of practice materials, or to receive a practice CD so that you can prepare ahead of time.

All ages are welcome and no experience is necessary – just everyday people singing praise to the Lord!

Welcome Our New Community Life Director!

As was announced at last Sunday’s worship service, we are very excited to welcome Bobbie Lee Barr to the Calvary Church ministry staff! Bobbie Lee has been hired as our new Community Life Director, and her first day is October 14th. Some of her key responsibilities include: 

  • Be an agent of change within our CBC family, helping us to progress as effective followers of Jesus.

  • Develop a culture and oversee strategies that help the Calvary family move forward as “sent ones,” as part of our OUT orientation and engagement.

  • Develop, equip and deploy the body in local outreach, evangelism and external volunteerism.

  • Oversee core discipleship pathways and strategies that help the CBC family advance in relational connectedness, spiritual growth and ministry investment.

  • Develop, equip and deploy the body for and in group/class/community life.

  • Develop and oversee guest services, guest follow-up and assimilation pathways.

Please pray for Bobbie Lee and her family, as she begins to servant-lead at Calvary in this capacity. Thank you!

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Membership Class - October 20th

If you are interested in taking the next step of partnership with our Calvary family, we encourage you to plan on attending this special class. We’ll discuss the ins and outs of how Clavary functions and how you can become more deeply invested in the ministry. We’ll also be discussing the short book I Am a Church Member by Thom Rainer. We have 30 copies of this book available for free in the Lobby; pick one up and sign up if you’re planning on attending the class.

The class will take place on one night, Sunday, October 20th 6:30PM and dinner will be provided.

Questions? Contact Dan Arbitter

Have an impact on the lives of children. Join ABCs in the D!

We are looking for Jesus followers willing to be His hands and feet in the lives of inner city students! Partnering with Central Detroit Christian, CBC is preparing to begin it’s 10th year with ABC’s in the D mentoring ministry. We need people who are willing to be mentors to elementary-aged students in Detroit on Saturday mornings, rotating every other week (about 10 sessions), October 5 – March 31. No experience is needed – just a heart for Detroit and kids! We are also in need of people willing to provide breakfast for our students on occasion and teach Bible stories. For more information please contact Paul Trulock at 734.377.4776 or contact us online!

We're making a new Calvary Family Photo Directory!

Come get your family’s photo taken for free!

What to Expect

A Free professional photography session, no session fees. 

View your images after your session and make your selections. 

You will receive one free 8x10 standard print, a printed church directory, and other special offers.

Photography Dates

October 7-8 • 2PM - 9PM
October 9 • 10:30AM - 5:30PM
October 17-18 • 2PM - 9PM
October 19 • 10AM - 5PM

Kids Club Registration Now Open!

You can now find info and register for all of our Wednesday Night Kids Clubs at Calvary!

Info and Registration Links for Tiny Tots, Cubbies, Sparks, Girlz Unlimited, and Stockade can be found on our Wednesday Night at Calvary Page.

Have questions about any of our Wednesday night Kids Clubs? Contact Bonnie Varney

We're Hiring: Helpdesk/System Administrator (Full-Time)


As a System Administrator/Helpdesk Technician, you will be supporting end-users across our Church and School. You will be part of our TechOps team with a focus on providing a good experience for end users. We are looking for an individual who is active in their church, with a positive attitude that enjoys working in a team environment. In this role, you will be responsible for answering and responding to incoming emails, and ticket submissions. Other responsibilities will include managing our servers and infrastructure both on and off site, researching solutions for new and unresolved issues, maintaining an accurate hardware inventory, and other common System Administrator duties.

RESPONSIBLE TO: TechOps Director

AREA/LOCATION: Calvary Baptist Church / Plymouth Christian

POSITION TYPE: Full-Time (40 Hours/week)


Required Skills:

  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills with attention to detail and accuracy.

  • Excellent documentation skills for assisting in the creation and maintenance of an internal knowledge base.

  • Microsoft Active Directory configuration and support

  • HyperV Server virtualization and ongoing maintenance

  • Windows Server 2012/R2, 2016, 2019 Administration

  • Network Infrastructure Support

  • DNS Administration

  • This position is a 40 hours/week position with typical duty on site on Sunday’s, with remaining hours between Monday-Friday as coordinated with the TechOps Director.

  • Confidentiality – This position regularly handles confidential information. Confidentiality must always be maintained for this kind of information.

  • Key attributes and Characteristics: work well as part of a team and individually, has a servant-leadership approach to their work, strong interpersonal skills, collaborative workstyle and customer service attitude, good attention to detail and ability to multitask with interruptions.

  • Demonstrates flexibility and adaptability to changing events and circumstances.

  • Exercises good judgment in organizing and prioritizing work assignments while managing multiple, simultaneous activities.

Education/Desired Skills:

  • Industry Certifications preferred (ACSA, CompTIA Network+, CompTIA A+, etc)


  • Must be a committed follower of Jesus Christ.

  • Prefer the person to become a member of Calvary Baptist Church.

  • Position provides benefits package including medical, dental, vision, life, and disability insurances as well as vacation/time off and tuition discount for PCA. Benefits are effective first day of full time employment.

  • Calvary Baptist Church/Plymouth Christian Academy offers ongoing training and certification through

Are you interested? Contact us for more information!