He Set His Face

Easter Sunday 2019 - The Last Enemy

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He Set His Face - The Last Enemy

Dave Riddle - 04/21/19

Key Passage: Matthew 28:1-10, 1 Corinthians 15:3-8, 42-45

Luke 9:51 - When the days were coming to a close for Him to be taken up, He resolutely set His face towards Jerusalem. 

  • Resolute: purposefully unwavering or determined.

Victory Over Death’s Defeat

  • 1 Corinthians 15:3

Victory Over Sin’s Domination

  • 1 Corinthians 15:3

It Displays the Power to Make a Comeback

  • 1 Corinthians 15:4

  • 1 Corinthians 15:43

It Shows the Reach of God’s Grace

  • 1 Corinthians 15:45

Four Cries

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He Set His Face - Four Cries

Dave Riddle - 04/14/19

Key Passage: Luke 19:28-44

Luke 9:51 - When the days were coming to a close for Him to be taken up, He resolutely set His face towards Jerusalem. 

  • Resolute: purposefully unwavering or determined.

Jesus’ Disciples:

  • “Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!”

    • Luke 19:38

    • Psalm 118:26

    • Luke 2:14

  • We’ve been redeemed, and that is something worth celebrating!

The Pharisees:

  • Teacher, rebuke your disciples!

    • Luke 19:39

    • Rebuke (Greek: epitimaō / ἐπιτιμάω) - to tax with fault: to chide, reprove, rebuke or censure severely. To admonish or charge sharply.

The Rocks

  • Would cry out in praise!

    • Luke 19:40

    • “Cry out” (Greek: krazō / κράζω) - to "croak" (as a raven) or scream. To call aloud (shriek, exclaim, intreat): cry (out).


  • Cries over Jerusalem

    • Luke 19:41

    • “He wept for it” (Greek: klaiō / κλαίω) - weeping as the sign of pain and grief

    • Matthew 23:37 - “how often I have wanted to gather your children together... but you wouldn’t let me”

    • Luke 19:44b - “you did not recognize the time when God visited you”.

Light of the World

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He Set His Face - Light of the World

Dave Riddle - 04/07/19

Key Passage: John 9:1-38

Luke 9:51 - When the days were coming to a close for Him to be taken up, He set His face resolutely towards Jerusalem. 

  • Resolute: purposefully unwavering or determined.

A Four-Part Testimony

“The Man Called Jesus”

  • Luke 9:8-12

  • The simple story of what Jesus did in his life.

He’s a Prophet

  • Luke 9:13-23

Man From God

  • Luke 9:24-34

  • The healed man is growing in his understanding of Jesus. First His name, then His role, and now where He comes from.

Son of Man

  • Luke 9:35-38

  • “I believe Lord!”

A Word of Woe to His Critics

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He Set His Face - A Word of Woe to His Critics

Dave Riddle - 03/31/19

Key Passage: Luke 11:37-52

Luke 9:51 - When the days were coming to a close for Him to be taken up, He set His face resolutely towards Jerusalem. 

  • Resolute: purposefully unwavering or determined.

Torah - The law of God as revealed to Moses and recorded in the first five books of the Hebrew scriptures (the Pentateuch).

Talmud - The body of Jewish civil and ceremonial law and legend. Not from scripture, but rabbinic tradition. 

Exposing the Hypocrites:

  1. You’re the ones who are unclean

    • Luke 11:39-41

  2. You’ve lost sight of the Law’s design

    • Luke 11:42

    • Love and justice take a back seat to tradition and legalism.

  3. You’re preoccupied with status

    • Luke 11:43

    • Only concerned with what others think.

  4. You’re actually a source of defilement

    • Luke 11:44

    • They thought they were a source of purity, but the opposite was the truth.

Challenging the Experts: 

  1. Your teaching puts a burden on the people that is not from God.

    • Luke 11:46

    • “Woe” is not a term of vindictiveness, but of regret.

  2. Like your ancestors you are in opposition to God’s message and messengers.

    • Luke 11:47

  3. You are Kingdom-Inhibitors

    • Luke 11:52

    • You’re not just missing the point, you’re causing others to miss the point.

A Strong Word to Would-Be Followers

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He Set His Face - A Strong Word to Would-Be Followers

Dave Riddle - 03/24/19

Key Passage: Luke 14:25-34

Luke 9:51 - When the days were coming to a close for Him to be taken up, He set His face resolutely towards Jerusalem. 

  • Resolute: purposefully unwavering or determined.

5 Examples to Illustrate 5 Marks of a Follower

  1. Family: Love Jesus Supremely

    • Luke 14:26

    • Jesus uses hyperbole to show that nothing should rival the love we have for God.

    • If Jesus is the absolute priority of your life everything else will fall into place.

  2. A Cross: Live to Die

    • Luke 14:27

    • Galatians 2:20

    • I no longer live but Christ lives in me

    • Our old self has to die.

  3. A Building: All in, to the very end

    • Luke 14:28-30

    • From your entire life, for your entire life.

    • In every facet of life.

  4. A War: Surrender to the more powerful king

    • Luke 14:31-33

    • It’s not about winning, it’s about surrendering.

    • How much confidence do you have in your own resources?

    • John 14:27 - Peace eirēnē (Greek: εἰρήνη) - a state of rest, denoting the absence or end of strife. It refers to a state of untroubled, I disturbed well-being. Peace; a state of natural tranquility. 

  5. Salt: Reality matches identity

    • Luke 14:34-35

    • Are we marked by our decision to follow Jesus?